Release: In Development
Tools/Languages Used: Unity 6, C#, Meta XR Interaction SDK
A mixed reality tabletop card game client being developed for the Meta Quest 3.
The application for my Honours project, seeking to answer how the use of Mixed Reality affects the social and gamplay experience of digital tabletop games.
Developed in Unity 6, I'm planning on using the full extent of Meta's SDKs for creating this application.
Release: 2025
Tools/Languages Used: Unreal 5, C++, Blueprint, WWise
A Horde Shooter FPS where you score to advance the music!
Developed for the Audio Programming Module at Abertay University, this game takes the song HATEFUL by the band HEALTH and uses it dynamically in an arena shooter against relentless rats.
Features Horizontal and Vertical dynamic music, where gaining score progresses the song, and shooting the gun causes the drum track to play. Getting a higher score multiplier increases the volume of vocals.
Release: 2024 Download
Tools/Languages Used: Unreal Engine 5, OpenXR, C++
A wacky VR puzzle game where the player has no legs and must use their floppy half-baked arms to drag themselves and climb through the environment.
Made for the Professional Project Module at Abertay University, production took place from January to May 2024 in my third year of study.
I was mainly the VR mechanics programmer, and focused on implementing the core player controller throughout development.
Release: 2023
Tools/Languages Used: DirectX 11, C++, hlsl
An island scene created in DirectX 11
Created for the Graphics Programming with Shaders Module at Abertay University, this project was used to explore DX11's graphics pipeline and get used to working with:
Release: 2023 Download
Tools/Languages Used: Games Education Framework, C++
A top down shooter with procedural levels
Created for the Game Programming and System Architectures Module at Abertay University, this project was a collaboration with another student where we made a top down shooter using Abertay's Games Education Framework.
I mainly worked on: